Top 5 Challenges with technical sales

1. There's always someone cheaper

Nothing stays unique for very long; there will always be someone selling a “version” of your product cheaper.  Your sales people can get too close to the customer and then start to reflect this internally – “I could sell more if we weren’t so expensive”; well, we help you sell more and at a higher price.

2. Selling technical solutions to non-technical people

The customer’s decision making team is likely to involve people from different disciplines and knowledge points.  Your product may be engineering or media but you have to include finance, operations, IT, HR etc – tailor your whole sales approach to improve your chances of gaining “customer consensus” that you are the right supplier.

3. Limited flexibility in communication

Can your sales team communicate to a range of different styles?  The customer may be a detailed or big picture thinker; friendly or to the point; financially driven or efficiency driven.  Being able to adapt to the customer is a key skill for the best sales performers.

4. Linking product to customer’s business value

Do your sales people understand and link the product they sell, to how it impacts on the customer’s business?  Until they do this, they will always be under threat of the customer finding a new option to replace your product.  Link the product and the service you give to the customer’s business and continue to build the value you provide as a trusted supplier.

5. Lack of commercial awareness

Do your sales people understand the commercial impact of selling?  Do they understand that if they give a price discount of 10% it may reduce your profit margin reduction by 20% or more?  Equally, can they construct robust Return On Investment for their customer?  Getting the numbers right helps sell more whilst protecting your own margins.

If you need some fresh ideas on how to get the best out of your technical sales team, please drop us a line to see how we can help.

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